I’ve been watching the Olympics, and unlike my parents, don’t mute and ignore
all of the commercials. Personally, I think that’s a generational thing; our
generation, children of the information age, cannot pass up a soundbite. Especially those thirty seconds or less that aim to trick us into buying something.
That’s where we are most at home; it’s like the internet.
so my interest has been piqued by the commercials for the new show Revolution;
scheduled to come out September 17th (because I’m sure as hell
watching it. You best remember that date. And isn’t that the day after Nick
Jonas’ birthday? Haha). This show is based on the premise that somehow, all the
power in the world has been knocked out, throwing our information-driven world
back into the dark ages. It is going to follow the path of one girl who gained
her own power when everyone else lost theirs, and is now a Katniss-like badass
survival machine.
story is not unique. Hullo, the Hunger Games, first of all. A girl, hopeless
against outside events as she fights for survival? With a bow? Yes. This has
been done before. The whole survival thing has been done; it’s like some ingrained
human fetish. And I am definitely one of those most affected; Survivor is one
of my favorite shows, Hunger Games was for a time, an obsession, anyone heard
of the game Lost in Blue for DS? I’ve had it for years, and need to replace it,
so I can beat it for the third time WITHOUT it freezing up on me. Survival isn’t
just the aim of all living things, it’s ingrained into their conscious minds,
too. And now that humans, at least most of them, don’t have to worry about it,
we still return to it for entertainment.
is this? Well, for one, like sex, it’s something that never gets old. It’s the
essence of our existence, and nothing gives us more of a thrill. Just like the
Romans, with their panem et circenses, and Panem of the Hunger Games, with their
own arena. Those who are comfortable, and safe, still need to feel, to be
thrilled, and this is how.
the ultimate intrigue of Revolution, and why, come September, I will be hard
pressed to miss a single episode(unless the writing makes me headdesk too hard. That has been known to happen, and is severely disappointing). Not only does it offer a kickass new female
protagonist, but it looks like it will be thrilling and relatable. Especially
for teenagers and younger people in general. We seem to feel the survival tug the
strongest, seeing as we are just reaching the primitive definition of maturity. Our minds have yet to catch up with the centuries of what we call progress that has made our world much more boring in comparison to the sudden death thrill of primitive times. It was no mistake that Hunger Games and
games like Lost in Blue are aimed at and are successful within the age groups
they are.
possibly something that relates to your thoughts on inspiration by water; a
return to our roots, the revealing of the human essence and what is purely
necessary to us. There are things, in the collective human consciousness, that
cannot fade through the years. Perhaps that’s the root of all excitement and
inspiration, whether it be through the suffering that reminds us of the
struggle for survival, or glimpses of what we came from at the basest of
levels. The things that tug at our very standard heartstrings are incredibly
straightforward, if we think about them.
~Leigh Shine